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  • Writer's pictureErwin Quek

My First International Hackathon Experience

EthGlobal Hackathon 2023 @ Waterloo, Canada

Hackathon Venue

June 23rd to 25th, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in ETHWaterloo, organized by ETHGlobal. It was my first-ever blockchain hackathon, and I must say, it exceeded all my expectations. Initially unsure of what to expect, I signed up solo but was fortunate enough to connect with talented and like-minded individuals through the team formation channel. Our team consisted of two University of Waterloo students, a software engineer, a data analyst/product designer, and myself.

V-lance team

Working alongside these amazing team members, we created a web3 application called V-Lance: A Freelancer Passport. I’m thrilled to share that our team was honoured with three awards! I am immensely grateful for the experience and the friendships that were forged during this hackathon.



V-Lance addresses a crucial challenge in the freelance industry—trust and transparency. Existing freelance platforms often suffer from fake reviews and plagiarized projects, making it difficult to find reliable freelancers. With V-Lance, we aimed to establish credibility through on-chain verification, offering a private way for freelancers to showcase their work history and track records without the need for KYC. Leveraging Web3 technologies and ZK proofs, we provided users with verified reviews and projects. Check out here.

To bring our vision to life, we built our product on top of TalentLayer, implementing a robust freelancing marketplace. Additionally, we utilized Sismo to provide Zero-Knowledge proofs of a user’s account and contributions to notable Github repositories, which served as a measure of credibility. Real-time querying of our smart contract and identification of addresses verified as Github contributors were made possible through The Graph‘s subgraphs. Lastly, we incorporated Ethereum Attestation Service to add further credibility to freelancers’ claims about their work experience. We also incorporated Nouns assets from Nouns in our application. Together, these components empowered freelancers to establish their credibility on the blockchain.

I am incredibly proud of the achievements our team made during EthWaterloo. This hackathon has not only broadened my knowledge of blockchain technology but also reinforced the power of collaboration and innovation in solving real-world challenges. I appreciated the opportunity to approach sponsor partners and ask any questions about their technology. I look forward to continuing my journey in the blockchain space and applying the lessons learned from this remarkable experience.

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